Friday, October 30, 2009


To my wonderful husband:  The Love of my life, the Father of our child, my Best Friend for now - and forever.  I love you with all my heart and soul, and I am truly grateful for every day that I have with you!

Happy Birthday, William Perry Fultz III !


Amanda said...

How many candles will he have to blow out? Hope you have the fire engine on standby!!! Just kidding! I hope you get a chance to do something nice to celebrate.
Amanda x

PhotoChick said...

Amanda, he has a whole 32 candles to blow out this year. Lucky for me that our brother-in-law really is a firefighter! Haha! I'm hoping we'll be able to do something fun... We'll see!

dani said...

i KNOW i commented on this one, too!!! happy birthday, perry;)))
~dani xxx