Sunday, April 20, 2008

So Much to blog About...

So little time - until my little girl's 1st Birthday Party!!!

See, I haven't really been blogging like I should for the last couple of weeks. Only the bare essentials. And I haven't even been taking pics like I should! What's wrong with me? Mostly that I've been planning like crazy for Livia's 1st Birthday Party. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, but since her Mamma's fav restaurant is the Log Inn, and it's closed Sundays & Mondays... Tuesday it is!

I may not actually be able to write about all this tonight, but there are several things I really want to blog about. Like...
1: Livia's new dress - you'll never believe it! (Talk about a lucky find)
2: HAPPY PANDA!!! Livia's wonderful ADORABLE Happy Panda Baby onesies came in actually last week, and I have yet to get that kid's picture in them. It's getting really hard to snap photos of her without any help... I can't wait to show you all though - I even got something for myself to match her! Eeee!
3: A MeMe - my 1st one ever that I was personally tagged for. This may unfortunately have to wait a day or two... But K~, thanks SO MUCH for tagging me! I PROMISE I will do it - maybe just not real soon.
4: My life being full - a post I promised a while back about an inspiration for this blog. It's a beautiful story that I really want to share.

And a couple of really important ones...
Livia's Birthday - what her Mamma wants you all to know; a note to my daughter; a flashback to one year ago; and the sheer excitement of the day!
Livia's Dedication... The biggest gift we could give to her for her birthday. We were so blessed to have family and friends there, and even managed a few pictures!
One year ago... Today, tomorrow, and these next few days I want to reflect on things one year ago today. How wonderfully our lives have changed! (As I type with tears in my eyes - oh how God has Blessed us!)

We'll see just how much I'll be able to type out tonight, tomorrow, & the next day. Even if I don't get everything done in the next couple of days, I will take the time to write out everything to Livie this week. I'll probably even past-date posts if I write them after I ideally want to... I really want Livia to know how important and exciting these days are to me. I know that someday she will read this and SEE how much she means to me!

Much love to you all - take care and God Bless!

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