Maggie-Boo and Livia getting ready to eat

Livia LOVED the balloons - by far the best 'gift' I got her!

See her hair sticking out everywhere? From the static electricity from the balloons, of coarse.

Big grins & a big balloon!

We even managed to get a snapshot of our little family. (A very rare thing!)

We just love that little girl SO much!

One more of the 3 of us

And here's Livia's BEAUTIFUL cake! Made by Sandy's Cakes and Candies here in Evansville - I would recommend them in a heartbeat for any event. Absolutely delicious! And stinkin addicting too... I've polished off almost all the leftovers myself!

Here's me & Liv and her sweet little polka dot cake

And look!
She even got a personal little bitty cake all for herself - they did that for free! I'm so glad K~ gave me their contact info. She's used them for many of her kiddo's b-day parties, and I know I've always loved the cake!

Livia couldn't wait to try her cake

She was so sweet at first - just barely poking at it, and gently nibbling little bits of the icing.

She didn't even want to get her fingers in it here; she's just taking a bit right from the cake itself!

A BIG bite!

Oh, she loves it!

Still pretty clean for having full access to a whole little cake right in front of her.

Then Mr. Michael started making her grin and giggle from across the table.

More big grins!

She is SUCH a happy baby - and her birthday was such a happy time for all of us

Oh, Liv just loved her little cake!

She gave it patty-cakes it was so good!

WOW - big bite, kiddo!

In the end, she did a pretty good job of getting icing almost everywhere.

And she was so happy that it was totally worth it. Hey, look at those little tooth-ers!

So why's Mr. Michael cracking up & grinnin like a monkey?
Everyone really close to Livia knows that she has some really cute tricks - like putting her hands up to her head when she hears, "Oh, my goodness!" And that's exactly what Michael said to her while she was eating cake!
And this is what happened...

Hands right up to her head... and therefore icing too!

Everyone thought it was an absolute riot - Livie included!

Yeah, Livie - Oh My GOODNESS!
Well, it definitely made for some really cute pics, huh?

That's right, Laura Belle! I'd be cringing too - he's such a rascal that he just might do it!

My Mom managed to snap just a couple of pictures of me opening the gifts Livia received - see Maggie-Boo in the background 'helpin!'? You can barely see the top of her head & her cute little hairbow. That's one of the things Livia actually got from Maggie & her Mamma - some SUPER cute little hairbows! I love how K~ always has an adorable bow in Maggie's hair. I hope I can make Livie look as cute as Maggie always does :o)
I shouldn't have a problem with that right now, though - Livia got SO many wonderful presents - the cutest little clothes & outfits, and something I'm so grateful for - books! We just love books around here. Liv takes absolutely no interest whatsoever in the television, so books and fun little games are our go-to's during the day. Matt & K~ and my Aunt Dana & Uncle Darrel got Liv some REALLY cute, fun toys as well. What a blessing!
I'm so thankful for everyone who was able to be a part of this VERY special day! It's a day I will cherish forever :o)