To my wonderful husband: The Love of my life, the Father of our child, my Best Friend for now - and forever. I love you with all my heart and soul, and I am truly grateful for every day that I have with you!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Livia's First Prayer
All on her own, that is! We say her bedtime prayer with her every single night, and she knows it by heart ("Now I lay me down to sleep, Pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I Pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen!") But yesterday, something remarkable happened...
It had been raining almost all day... Dreary, cloudy, gloomy... But for just a few very brief moments, the clouds broke just enough for a little miracle.
We were on the way back from Day Care, and we saw the most beautiful rainbow in the sky. Livia absolutely loved it! But all too soon, the sun was back behind the clouds. And our rainbow faded into a beautiful memory.
Livia said, "Mommy, please wanna see da rainbow again?"
I said, "Livia, I can't bring back the rainbow. I'm sorry, baby..."
"Why not, Mommy?"
"Well, becaue God is the only one who can bring the rainbow back, because He made the rainbow. You'll have to ask God if you want to see the rainbow again."
So Livia said: "Dear, God... Please wanna see da rainbow again? AMEN!"
I knew in my heart-of-hearts that the rainbow wouldn't come back... There wasn't a chance of the clouds breaking. She even said her little prayer 2 more times. I wondered what my little girl would do after she realized that her very first prayer wouldn't be answered...
A few minutes later, my answer came. Livia said, "Mommy, God maked da rainbow! Didn't He?"
I smiled the biggest smile ever and said, "Yes, Livia! He did make the rainbow! (then, still smiling, and saying almost more to myself) God is SO good, isn't He?"
"Yes, Mommy -- God's SO good!"
Monday, October 26, 2009
Back to the Grindstone!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
2 And a Half...
Today I realized that Livia is officially 2 & a half... I can't believe it was only 6 months ago that she was turning two! The time just goes by so fast...
With happy memories of Liv's 2nd Birthday, I decided to do an extra flashback to that wonderful day:
And finally, one of Liv with her Great-Gramma Pat:
She's actually wearing the shirt Gramma gave her!
More pictures I got of Livia with friends and family:

And Liv with her Uncle Michael & Aunt Laura
Michael was such a ham at the party! Case in point:

I still say they're a cute couple :o)
She was so intrigued with that little cake!
She even did a good job blowing out the candles (no pics tho)

Just a couple of pics of Livia all-smiles
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
School Picture Day
Today was picture day at Day Care, and this was Livia's very first School Photo! I was so excited... This is after spending days pondering what cute little outfit I'd put her in, and after talking with her over and over about how we smile for the photographer. I was so excited that it almost felt like it was my first picture day!
So this morning I dressed her in the cutest little polka-dot outfit, french braided her hair (and BEGGED her not to take it out), and reminded her once again to smile nicely for the camera. By the time we had to leave, I had no time for morning pictures. I just had to hope against all odds that Liv would do well for her 1st School Picture.
Perry picked Livie up very early this afternoon; he had a very early morning meeting, and he was missing her like crazy! He took her to the park, and then to McDonalds -- gee, I wonder why Daddy always seems to be the favorite?!?
So by the time I finally got home, I thought there was no way Livia would be in any condition for pictures... I was pleasantly surprised that Liv still looked very nice! Her hair was still braided, her outfit wasn't even dirty, and she was still excited about the pictures today. So even though it was getting dark outside, I just couldn't resist:
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ordinary Miracles
And riding the tractor:
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Kellee & Marcus' Wedding/Reception (Just a Glimpse)
This was such a wonderful evening & night! My best friend from college celebrated her marriage to her long-time love. Kellee & Marcus were actually married down in Antigua, and today was their ceremony & reception here in town. They used the Old Courthouse Building downtown, and I honestly never knew how beautiful it is inside until today.
I took hundreds & hundreds of photos, but I've already picked out just a few that really caught my eye:
Friday, October 16, 2009
Flashback Friday ~ Aunt Bay's Visit
In late March of this year, my husband's Aunt Beverly (who we all lovingly call Aunt Bay) came down for a visit. Beverly is Trilby's sister, and she came all the way from Mississippi to visit! I tried SO hard to get a photo of Liv & all her cousins with Aunt bay.
The first few shots I got didn't have Garrett in them, and Nolan was really the only one looking at the camera...
My, how Liv has grown since then! It all goes by but in the blink of an eye...
OK, so there's a little bit of an underlying motive for choosing this particular flashback... Beverly & Danny became grandparents once again today! They have 2 children, Brian & Blair, and today Blair had her very first baby. They welcomed into the world a little boy they named Aiden Joseph (8lb 1oz, 21 1/4", healthy & beautiful). Aiden arrived on his grandpa Danny's birthday -- who could ask for a better present, right!
May God bless Blair and Adam as they begin this new & incredible journey with Aiden. My happy thoughts & prayers are with them; I pray that all continues to go well!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Making Time...
Sometimes I get so busy that it's all I can do to squeeze as much as I can into my waking hours -- working, cooking & cleaning, then there's more important things like making time for my family and God, and lately I've even had to make time to sleep! With all the October-activities we already had planned, pile on top of that mandatory overtime at work. Even though I'm a lowly temp, we're all expected to work the required extra hours. That's the way it goes sometimes, right? Well, right now I'm finally making some time to remind myself my I work so hard... My Livie-Bug!!!!
Some that I never got around to posting a couple of weeks ago of Liv at the farm:
All afternoon there, Livie wanted to see a picture of her Uncle Von. She absolutely adores him (and her Uncle Don) more than they'll ever know. At her young 2 years of age, she knows full well that Uncle Don feeds the cows, and Uncle Von milks the cows. She gets to see her Uncle Don a bit more just because the milk-house is so noisy, and I think she was just really missing Uncle Von on this day.
As soon as he came out from the milk-house, she ran up to him & chattered, "My wanna pict-shur of you!" The triplets' dad grinned, knowing full well what it's like having someone always wanting pictures! But I guess he just couldn't tell Liv 'no' -- He scooped her up (while she was still chattering away about wanting a picture of him) and I got Livie's photo that she wanted so badly:
It's always SO beautiful out at the farm and in the country -- what could possibly be more beautiful than this?
And even though the Fall Fest was rainy several days, our little family managed to get out there on a very nice afternoon. The first thing we did was seek out our personal picks for food. There were well over a hundred booths to pick from, and the organizations were just as varied. I wanted some sweet corn from my Alma Mater (USI) and it was GREAT! Not quite as good as Mom & Dad's, but this time of the year, I was happy to get what I could.
I decided to step in and help out my daughter. Never mind the fact that this gave us the perfect opportunity for some really cute photos, it also gave me an excuse to eat some more yummy corn!