With our beautiful summer-like weather, Livia and I have been having so much fun getting out & about. About a week ago, we decided to get together with Jamie and Olivia to have lunch. And Liv looked so stinkin cute, that I just had to get a few pictures of her before we left...There were people driving by, and of coarse Livia made sure to wave at everyone.
Even me!
Luckily, we were soon on the road and off to eat at Edgewater Grille - a restaurant known mainly for its atmosphere (Honestly their food is nothing to brag about... but being able to sit outdoors and to look out on the river is great!) It was our first time ever there, and we had a lovely day to enjoy our experience.
I grabbed a few quick pictures with my camera-phone before Jamie and Olivia arrived. Not great pictures, but they're some fun memories.
This was our view:

But then Liv was back to being bored!

When you're 1, there's just too much to do! I can only imagine how hard it was for Livia to just sit still (shoot - sometimes it's hard for me!), but she really did a great job.

Then our friends arrived and I forgot to take any more pictures. Rats. We had a wonderful time just the same!
Hi Amanda
I can't believe how quickly Livia is growing up right beore my eyes. She looks gorgeous in her spotty dresss and pink headband.
It doesn't get much better than eating outdoors by the water with family and/or friends.
Love and hugs
It sounds like she was such a good girl, sitting like that ~ what a little treasure. I love that hairband with the pink flower ~ just so cute.
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXX
livia's so sweet and adorable, amanda.
you're right about the edgewater... it's ALL about the view!!! but, i'm so glad you had a fun time:)
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