Livia has had so many firsts lately, and this past weekend was no exception!
I'm so lucky to have parents who have an above-ground pool. It didn't really get used a whole lot over the last few years, but I have a feeling that this year it certainly will!
Sunday Livia had her first experience in a pool... And before I go any further, I must be sure to thank our friend Jessi Marvel! She and Laura Belle are great friends, and Jessi & her husband came out for some fun after church on Sunday. Jessi is an amazing photographer & videographer, and she was sweet enough to take all these wonderful pictures for me!We wondered what Livia would think of it (you know - some kiddos aren't too keen on all that water) but she could barely wait to get in!
As you can see, Liv liked it from the get go. And me right in there with her - yes, there is a swim suit under the shirt! But it's the only swimming suit that fits right now and it's a bit PG-13. I'm trying to keep things rated G (online and out there), so hence the t-shirt cover-up.

Something else that just tickled Livia was when I tossed her up in the air...
(**Note - I'm sure that some of you noticed the 'GUARD' on the back of my shirt, and yes I really was a lifeguard for 3 years. If anyone's ever heard of Holiday World, that's where I saved lives - or at least got a pretty good tan those years!**)

It's so crazy to think that just a year ago, Livia was a teeny little baby. I loved her just as much then as now, and we certainly had fun back in those days as well... But it sure is awesome to be able to get her out in the sun - with sunscreen, of coarse.
I think she has her Daddy's skin tone (she seems to tan pretty easily) but that doesn't mean she doesn't need protection from the sun. I even use the baby sunscreen on myself - 50spf baby! And with all the damage I did to my skin during my years of life guarding and (*gasp!*) fakin' bakin', I want to do all I can now to protect and prevent against further damage.
Anyway, sorry about the lecture there! I'm sure I'll be posting more about our outdoor adventures soon. Maybe even a few more from this day - Laura & her friends were a hoot in the pool!
Oh, it sure looks like we'll be having a great time this summer!
too cute! i love the one of you tossing her up in the air.
she looked like she had tons of fun in the sun& water.
happy friday!
I am soooo jealous of that pool ~ it looks fantastic. The look on Olivias face is priceless ~ she definitly is a water baby ~ no doubt about it!!
I really love all your photos ~ especially the one of Olivia sitting on the side of the pool ~ she is so cute.
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXX
These a adorable pictures, I love the look on her face and there is one of the pictures that shows her favoring you so much when you both are facing the camera and grinning!
It makes me miss our pool so much
:( for the chance to have my Olivia and Mitch swim with me.
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