Family fun and the summer sun keeps me at bay from the computer all day... And I've actually been sleeping at night!
That is the only explanation that I can come up with as to why I haven't been blogging much at all lately! The weather has just been absolutely wonderful - warm and sunny, perfect for outside fun and play. Every minute possible, that's where we've been lately.
Livia just adores the outdoors, and what kind of mother would I be if I said, "No, honey... We really need to stay inside while Mommy plays on the computer writes all about your life." In a way, perhaps that would make blogging easier... I mean, we've been so busy and active within the last weeks, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to catch it all up on here! It's kinda like trying to catch up on the first several months of Livia's life before I started blogging! No, I believe it's just best to try my best to keep up from now on, and perhaps try to catch up here and there - certainly not all at once, right?
SO! Today was a WONDERFUL day! My sweet little Livie and I made plans to meet my Mom and sweet Southern-Belle Carolyn for lunch (we love Carolyn's voice! Imagine if you can, the sound of the most beautiful southern drawl - absolutely dripping with sweetness - mixed with love and laughter, and that's about the best way I can think to describe Carolyn's voice.)

Obviously that meant I was late (big shocker - not!) for lunch. As a peace offering, I brought cookies, though and (hopefully) all was forgiven.
After a yummy meal, Carolyn and I went down to the riverfront to take Livia to the park and for a walk. It was such a perfect, beautiful day for it too! Liv had a blast in the park exploring all the big-kid stuff and even swinging in a little-kid seat. She loved swinging! She just leaned her little head back and grinned and oohed over the experience.
So then we got out the stroller and went on a wonderful walk. Great exercise, and Carolyn was such awesome company. I need to do that more often!
Oh! Before I forget, Livia gave away her very 1st kiss tonight!!! My Mom got it at the very end of the night...
I'd met up with Mom & Dad at Target. We both picked up some essentials and then went out for a bit to eat at IHOP. Good, good stuff! We all had 'breakfast' and coffee - and I think I may have had a bit too much! I was so high-strung afterwards that Perry thought he was going to have to tie me up and gag me to get me to sit still & shut up! And I was talking so fast that it's not like he could've understood anything I said anyway...!
So, perhaps that's the reason why I'm not in bed with him right now. Caffeine is still surging through my system, and amazingly it has totally sparked my creativity. Along with being busy with outside play, family time, and getting into a much better routine (for me and Liv) I just haven't felt very creative and capable of writing until right now... There is a specific reason my creativity has been stifled, and I'll have to take care of it soon. But til then, perhaps I just need to drink a cup of coffee before bedtime!
I've missed blogging, my blog-friends, and documenting Livie's life so much... My, it certainly can be hard to balance out all the aspects of our lives, huh? How do you all do it?! There are so many of you all that keep up your wonderful blogs every day, and seem to have the perfect balance in your life... I'm still trying, and I hope to get there soon.
Til I do get my balance down, I just hope that I'll be able to keep up this blog a little better. Not so much for me (though I do LOVE my blog-friends!!!) but for my little daughter. I want her to know how much she means to me; I want her to know how amazing she is and how important she is in my life. And I never want to forget all the wonderful things she learns and does!
Much, much love to you all. Please forgive me for not being around, for not commenting and letting you all know how much I still love you and all your wonderful blogs. Take care and God Bless!
Keep drinking the coffee!!
I love reading your blog and seeing what you have been up to. You do sound like you have had a very busy time.
Looking forward to checking in again soon,
Love and Hugs ~ Tabitha XX
welcome back!! we've missed you!
btw, cute braceleton livia!
It is a constant battle for me to find balance and still blog about our life... sometimes I end up taking week long breaks and others I'm posting 5 or 6 times in one week. Don't sweat it, just be sure to get down all the wonderful little things that you don't want to forget for little Livia!!
Hi Amanda
Like you, I can't always get to the blogs that I want to and it certainly doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about those people. It is hard and days with toddlers are full on. When Savanna is asleep my attention is usually divided between chores and just getting things done that need to be done around the house. Although I do try to do something that I enjoy doing every single day, even it's for only half an hour. Now that I'm 36 weeks pregnant (can you believe that?!?) I find myself falling asleep so much earlier at night than I used to. But, I agree with you, sleeping at night is more beneficial and important than blogging the night away, even though I am often tempted to blog instead of sleep.
Savanna does that same old trick as Livia - unpredictably deciding to have a sleep just before we're supposed to be somewhere. Don't they say: expect the unexpected!!
Isn't is always a great experience to get out, have a great lunch and engage in stimulating adult conversation. Sounds like a perfect day.
How lucky is your mum - getting the first kiss - just beautiful.
Love and hugs to you my friend
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