Awarding Wings
Way back in February, The Dairy Wife (my Aunt) created a beautiful award & gave it to me. I cannot tell you all how my heart just soared... Well, I was supposed to pass it on to 3 other people, and so far I've only passed it on to one - my sis-by-choice, K~ (Conservative Supermom) a couple of months ago, and I'm finally getting around to passing it on to someone I've gotten to know fairly well through blogging. My Blogger Friend Elise from The Adventures of E & T.

(I hope it's ok that I 'stole' this from your blog... I just love this picture of you all, and I wanted everyone who doesn't already know you to see what a beautiful family you are!)
Elise actually found me through another blog I regularly visit - Sheye Rosemeyer's blog. Ever since she first got ahold me, I've been absolutely in love with her blog. She has the most adorable little daughter, who reminds me so much of my little niece Maggie-Boo! And she has a little boy on the way. Elise is creative and fun, kind & loving, a wonderful mother & wife, and she's extremely compassionate. That's why she definitely deserves the Wings of Compassion Award.
I see the love & care you put in to all that you do for your sweet little daughter. And I know that your Minnie Boy Blue will be just as loved! I see all that you do for your family, I see all the love that you give them and they give you, and I see how tight-knit your family is. Your parents remind me of my own - they're so close to you, and there's no doubt whatsoever how much they love you all - especially their grand baby! (soon to be plural)
Elise is absolutely beautiful - inside and out. To me, she brings to life all the wonderful qualities The Dairy Wife included in this awesome award. If you don't already regularly read Elise's wonderful blog (click here for it), you definitely should start. She's quite a lady. And you'll soon find that you will grow love her as much as I do!
Elise, it's now your turn to pass this award on to 3 people who you feel are deserving of it. Just remember to link it back to The Dairy Wife, since she did create it :o)
Much love to all!
ps - You may notice I have a new song - in honor of the gal featured in this post of coarse :o) This version reminded me of where she lives, in Australia - the biggest island in the world. Oh, to live near the ocean...!
Oh Amanda, I just happened to click into your blog before going to bed and nearly fell off my chair when I saw this post. I have happy tears streaming down my face. I am flawed, almost speechless, but so grateful to you for these truly beautiful words (and the song you have included just for me). I don't know where to start to tell you how touched I am by this.
Thank you just doesn't seem enough. I am so blessed and grateful that I did "find" you in the blogging world my dear friend. You have impacted on my life in so many positive ways. You are a creative, kind, generous, thoughtful, selfless, fun loving girl who never fails to inspire me and bring a smile to my face.
I love the fact that we have so much in common with each other in our motherhood adventures. You are an amazing mum and completely devoted to your family. Your relationship with your gorgeous Livia is a privilege for me to read about and see on your blog.
Thank you for making my heart sing and dance tonight. I am touched beyond words and feel like I'm on cloud nine.
I wish I could more adequately express what this means to me Amanda.
Sending love and blessings to you.
Elise is such a wonderful and loving person. She is so deserving of this award. I am so glad to call her my friend. :)
Hi Amanda,
What a kind and generous darling are you. This is just soooo sweet of you to bestow this hounor on my beautiful daughter Elise. She rang and told me about this great blog entry. She said it made her cry because it was so beautiful. I just know that if you were living in the same city you would be the very best of pals. Friendship can still be shared from afar and you two are too special not to be friends.
Love to you all.XXXOOOxxxooo
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