A couple of weeks ago, we took Livia to get her 'one year' pictures done at JCPenney's - and they turned out spectacular! I had SUCH a hard time choosing... and ended up just spending a small fortune (Shh - don't tell hubby!) Just take a look, and you'll see why it was so hard to choose!
In this first little set of pics Liv had on a little pink jean jumper that her Auntie Laura Belle got her for Christmas. I was quite insistant upon getting several shots of her in it, because this little outfit is really, really special to me. Laura and I both had on little pink overalls in pictures we have of ourselves when we were one. I think they were Osh-kosh's just like Livie's too!

That last one is probably my favorite :o) ... Then it was on to the diapered shots! The one time in life that modesty is discouraged. Who doesn't love little baby skin?!

So then for the next set of pictures, we put her in her Birthday Dress with birthday decorations and everything!

Liv was actually up on a table for all these shots, and the gal taking pics wanted me to make sure Livia didn't run or fall off. I leaned in just a bit too far, and the camera caught me. Luckily they were able to edit me out for the prints I ordered of this one!

And, finally on this last set of pics, we stripped her down to her bloomers and gave her a cupcake! It was SO fun - like her Birthday Party all over again.

Anyway, hope you all got a kick out of these! Much love to you all and God Bless!
oh sooo cute! i especially love the ones of her in the little tub!
happy mother's day!
she is adorable and the pictures are priceless!
she is adorable and the pictures are priceless!
So cute- no wonder you had a hard time choosing!
Those are so good. She is just the cutest little thing. :)
She is adorable! No wonder you had a tough time deciding!!
Oh my goodness!! How cute are those photos?
I don't blame you for buying them all, I would have spent lots of money too ~ they are gorgeous!!
What a lovely reminder of her first birthday.
love and hugs
Tabitha XX
You had a hard job just picking a few poses...They are all great!! My four year had that "same" pillar for his 1 year picture at JC Penney's. :)
I can't believe all the time and scene changes they did! I have never experienced that with any place I go. Maybe it's different with cute little girl's outfits. :)
I hope you have a wonderful mother's day!!
awwwwe... amanda, livia's pictures are just darling. we used to do "so big!!!" with katherine when she was a baby, too. i wonder if that is a mid-west thing???
i would have had a hard time picking a favorite as well;D
love and hugs,
Oh, my! Those are so amazing! If I showed you the 1 photo I got from my one year old's first photo, you would cry with me. She's now 17 months old and I think I've worked up the nerve to try it again!
It's hard to believe that Livia is already one year old isn't it? She's a cutie pie!
I think the bath tub pics are my fav. Not sure though .. they are all too cute!
Mags just walked up and said "Ohhh Livia is so cute Mommy. I miss her so much. Lets call her ... can we call her now Mommy?"
We must get together this week.
Hi there my friend
Decisions, decsions. I would have agonised for hours, no, wait, days! They are just amazing. Whenever we have had professional photos done we always go in with good intentions (ie, to buy just a few photos) and a budget (who are we kidding?!?). We've always blown the budget, yet never regretted it when it comes to having such precious and priceless photos.
I can see how you would certainly have had to buy a few of Livia in the pink overalls, these photos aren't only adorable but they have sentimental value attached. Then the diaper (we say "nappy" here in Australia!!) shots where she is surrounded by roses are just breathtakingly beautiful. Gotta get those. Well the bathtub ones are irresistible. There is no way you could have passed up the photos of Livia in her party dress and then the bloomers and cupcake, well that's just so darn cute!!.
I loved oooohing and aaaahing through all of these gorgoeus photos of the gorgeous Livia.
Love and hugs
I love 1st birthday shots...and these ones turned out SO cute! I especially love the ones in the bathtub and the ones next to the party bags/decorations. I'm sure you won't regret the purchases you made. These pictures are so precious.
Hi Amanda-
I have never visited your blog before, but I was visiting Rocks In My Dryer today and just wanted to tell you how cute your poem was about your favorite things!! I loved it!
Your baby is adorable! Have a great day!
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