I got this idea from Joy - The Dr.'s Wife - hope you don't mind, but it's such a wonderful idea, I just had to copy-cat!
I wanted to show off all the decorations, party favors, & all the 'little bitties' from Livia's First Birthday Party. As you all know, her theme was polka dots - a very simple yet adorable theme! Her dress was the deciding factor on how the decor would go.From this sweet little Polka Dot Dress, we found so many 'polka dot' things that were just perfect for the party. Like...
Polka dot napkins, and bright green plates and forks to set off those colors in the other decorations. Before I go any further, I must confess that I bought a lot of the supplies from clearance bins at various Party stores! That's definitely the way to go, too! And if I would have seen something that I thought I could use for upcoming years, you can bet I totally would have snatched it all up. Less than $1 is MUCH better than paying $4 or more on a pack of napkins!
I ended up with 2 different kinds of polka dot napkins, but I thought they looked pretty good together.
These picture frames were also in the clearance bins - I was going to make my own, but for this cheep I couldn't pass it up! I improvised a bit on the way the pic was held to the inside though... It came with little sticky tabs, but they didn't really work just right with the pic size (without cutting them all - too much time & work!) So I decided to quickly tape the pics to the inside. Which worked out great, because I was able to get 2 pictures in this way! This was a really great favor for all the 'big kids.' With the pictures inside and everything, they were less than $0.50 each.
For the smaller kiddos, I got balloons (enough for one each) and a coloring book. The balloons were just a few cents each, and I got the coloring books in a pack of 8 for $2! Very inexpensive.
Other favors I had included soap that had polka dots on the outside paper & wallet picture frames that had little jewels around the edges (again, from the dollar bins at Target!), small & medium notepads with polka dots all over the outsides, and candles (from Family Dollar!)
Other Polka Dot decorations I would have made if space would have allowed:
Big circles cut out of construction paper, hung from the ceiling...
Blown up balloons hung from the ceiling...
A big ole' piece of poster board with circles cut out for pictures (a collage of sorts)...
I also would have had this album (from Target) filled with vaious pictures of Liv througout her first year. But I knew that it was going to be so crowded & busy that no one would really get a chance to see it.So now, I'll just use it as an album for Livia's first Birthday Party!
This is one of the gifts Livie recieved -Pink Polka Dots and everyting! How perfect is it?! It shouldn't come as any surprise that Kendra's Mom actually got it for Liv :o)
There was one more Polka Dot-ty thing I had there at the party...A little polka dotted book that I had everyone at the party sign & write a little note to Livia on her First Birthday. It's just a little journal from the cheap-o bins from Target - $2.50. But I thought it would be a really great keepsake for Liv.
Here are just a few of my favorite excerpts from the sweet notes to Livia in that little book...
You are a beautiful little girl and we wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. You are loved by many people who will help to raise you in faith and love. May your life be full of many magical moments!
Happy 1st Birthday! We watched your mommy grow from a spunky, adventurous little girl to a wonderful and proud mother. You remind us so much of your mommy! We hope to watch you grow up just like we did your mommy. Always stay close to your family and God...
...You are the cutest little girl and you look so much like your mommy! I hope that your upcoming birthdays are just as wonderful as your first! We love you, Livia!
...Happy 1st birthday! You look so cute and I know you're going to have fun with all your presents. I love you & we'll hang out with you're older!
Hi Livia!
...You are really beautiful today... Your Mommy & Daddy put such a pretty dress on you. I can't wait to see how you'll grow & see how beautiful you are going to be!
Happy 1st Birthday! I'm so glad I was able to be at your party. You are a precious baby & hope you will continue to visit me... I hope someday you'll stay the night at [my] house whole Mommy gets a break! I love you very much!!
Hey Livie!
Happy Birthday kid-o! You're such a pretty little girl & you'll only get prettier I'm sure! I love getting your big smiles! Now, when you get older & your folks make you mad, you just come to me & we'll hang out & make things all better, OK? :o) I love you Livia. Happy first Birthday
You are so sweet and dear to us. We love you bunches.
Your Pa-Pa loves you very much and you are very special to me.
You are a very special little girl and we love you very much. Maggie, Nolan, and Garrett always enjoy playing with you. Maggie and I love our special girl time with you and your mom. Nolan loves to hold you and loves you very much. Garrett thinks you are so much fun because you are smaller than him! He also loves to eat your "puffs." Hope each birthday is filled with love and happiness just like your first birthday! We love you sweetie
Happy birthday to a pretty little girl. You make such a nice addition to our family! We love you
Happy Birthday Livia - you are so beautiful and so loved
Happy Birthday for your very 1st Birthday! You are a very special Great Niece. Pretty little girl, how you've grown!... You are loved so very much.
Love Michael
*Note - Michael wrote one letter on each page! His 'note' was by far the longest!
Finally, this took the most time and effort, but was also the funnest!
Perry wrote all this out for everyone:
Dear All,
Amanda & I decided that we would like to give a little background on where Livia’s name came from, and why we chose it. As soon as I found the name, I showed it to Amanda. We both immediately took a liking to it. And when Livia was born, the name just fit her perfectly! So here’s a bit of history about her name:
Livia has a very old name. It actually pre-dates the birth of Jesus Christ. The name ‘Livia’ actually was derived from the male form of the name Livius. Titus Livius, also known as Livy, was a Roman historian who wrote a history of the city of Rome.
The first female ‘Livia’ that history knows of was Augustus Caesar’s wife. She was respected as the most powerful woman in the Roman Empire. Livia assisted her husband as his trusted advisor, and Augustus himself is widely regarded by modern historians as the greatest ruler the Roman Empire ever had. Note: Long before American politicians in the late 20th century began running on family values as a campaign issue, Augustus used this as a platform in running his empire.
Many of you know the name ‘Olivia.’ This name is actually quite a bit newer than Livia. It is derived from ‘Livia’ and was actually invented by Shakespeare in the early 17th century as a character in one of his plays.
As Christians, we are often taught in Church about the corruption of the Roman citizens, and the fact that they worshiped multiple gods. We are told of how Jesus Christ was crucified under their hands, and that the Romans regularly persecuted Christians. What most people don’t know – and this is important – is that the Roman Empire became a Christian nation early in the 4th century. We may not realize, as Christians, that the Roman Empire probably did more to spread the religion of Christianity than any other people. Their Empire spread over 3 continents, and the spread of Christianity took off soon after it became their official religion. The Roman influence of Christianity still plays a very major role in our western culture to this day.
Again, sorry for this being such a long entry! I've given up on post-dating finally; I figure this isn't really as time-critical to me. I know - I'm silly! Thank you all SO much for 'celebrating' Livia's birthday with us. It has been very special indeed! Much love to you all - take care and God Bless!
Wow you did an awesome job on all that party stuff. The journal was a great idea, she will enjoy reading that. That will be neat to do every year.
I love that polka dot theme ~ you did a great job and from the photos it looked like Livia enjoyed it!!
Warm wishes
Tabitha X
amanda, you put so much thought into all that is livia. she is truly blessed to have you as her mother and fellow disciple. your post almost made me cry as i miss the days when katherine was little... not that i don't enjoy the days of katherine, now. I DO!!! i believe that mothering only gets better; but the clothes don't, lol!!!
livia's polka dot dress is darling!!! i miss the days of klassy kids and pandas and pinafores... dressing a little girl up with a bow to match ranks right up there with one of my all-time favorite things to do:D
love and blessings,
dani xx
Boy, I am behind in my blog reading... just wanted to say that the birthday girl was way too cute in her little polka dot dress. It was my favorite way back when you had us all vote. I love the theme idea. I may just have to use it for the second birthday party we'll be having in August! Glad you guys had such a great day, and Happy Belated B-day to Livia!!
What a cute theme! The polka dot picture frames are so cute- what a great find!
Hi Amanda
Livia is so blessed to have you and Perry as her parents. You really did pull out all the stops and thought of everything to make Livia's first birthday party a truly special and memorable one.
You came up with so many unique ideas. I especially liked the Livia trivia, the history of Livia's name that Perry wrote out and the polka dot book where all of the guests had a chance to write a speical message to Livia. These will make such beautiful keepsakes that Livia will have to look at when she's older and they will be cherished and treasured for years to come.
Love to you and your family
What a fun birthday party! What great, cheap, fun party favors! I love the games and Livia trivia! You got my mind a going for ideas for Taran's birthday party!
You are so blessed.
Hi Amanda,
Sorry i have been a bit slack in my blog reading but I have to congratulate you, Perry and you most beautiful little treasure Livia on her first birthday. The photos say it all. How clever are you to think of all the extras to make this a truly meemorable occasion. I love the polka dot theme and all the extras that came polka dots. Livia seems to bee having a ball especially having her cake and eating it to. Those pictures are just priceless. Tell me one thing Amanda, how come all your relatives look so young? Is there something in the water in your part of the world?
Love to you all and a special kiss for Livia. Mwa XXXXX
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