As many of you mothers can probably relate, my first night in the hospital after I had Livia was one of very little sleep! The night was a blur of the sweet nurses bringing Livia in every 2 or 3 hours to feed, general restlessness, and discomfort (more pain pills, PLEASE!)
Then early in the morning, I had the most awful nausea... I couldn't keep anything down (even water) so they ended up giving me a shot in the hip to help. Boy did it! And it also made me even more loopy than I already was! I remember hallucinating - seeing and hearing things that weren't even there... After feeding Livia again, I got about the best sleep I ever had in my life for the following 2 or 3 hours. Then the family & friends started rolling in!
Then early in the morning, I had the most awful nausea... I couldn't keep anything down (even water) so they ended up giving me a shot in the hip to help. Boy did it! And it also made me even more loopy than I already was! I remember hallucinating - seeing and hearing things that weren't even there... After feeding Livia again, I got about the best sleep I ever had in my life for the following 2 or 3 hours. Then the family & friends started rolling in!
*Note - that big blue thing behind the chair is the 'birthing ball'!
My Mom met her through her work, and we all love her to pieces!
Notice how Michael's a 'baby hog'? Ya can't really blame him - this was his 1st time 'meeting' Livia! He stayed forever on Friday night before I had her, but eventually had to leave so he'd be able to work. I had Liv that next day about noon, and he didn't get to come see her til this day, which was Sunday.
She was one of my bridesmaids in my wedding, and she's become one of my dearest friends over the years.
Can you tell that Jerry is my Dad's brother?
So they were my very last visitors of the day - and except for my Mom, who was sweet enough to spend the night in the room with me that night - they were the last visitors period!
Now there are just a few people who came by that I didn't get pictures of :o( My Uncle Darrel & Aunt Dana, and Anne & Jack - my friend Jamie's Mom & her husband. Anne & Jack were actually there Friday night, so they didn't get to see little Livia til a week or two after she was born. Darrel & Dana came on Sunday when quite a few other people were in and out as well. I'm not sure how they got missed...
Anyway, I could go on and on about what it was like in there with Livia, but I'm reminded of a song The Dairy Wife used to have on her page - It's just another ordinary miracle today. I feel as if my life didn't really begin til after I had Livia! And I really could write about every little thing I experienced with her & in the hospital (I kept a notebook back then that I kept up very well for a few months. Then I started to slip, and I only wish I would have begun blogging a year ago now! Oh, well - live and learn, right? At least I'm doing it for her now.
Now there are just a few people who came by that I didn't get pictures of :o( My Uncle Darrel & Aunt Dana, and Anne & Jack - my friend Jamie's Mom & her husband. Anne & Jack were actually there Friday night, so they didn't get to see little Livia til a week or two after she was born. Darrel & Dana came on Sunday when quite a few other people were in and out as well. I'm not sure how they got missed...
Anyway, I could go on and on about what it was like in there with Livia, but I'm reminded of a song The Dairy Wife used to have on her page - It's just another ordinary miracle today. I feel as if my life didn't really begin til after I had Livia! And I really could write about every little thing I experienced with her & in the hospital (I kept a notebook back then that I kept up very well for a few months. Then I started to slip, and I only wish I would have begun blogging a year ago now! Oh, well - live and learn, right? At least I'm doing it for her now.
*Note: Please continue to bear with my insanity of post-dating these entries! When I look back, I want to see the dates that SHOULD go with each post... Not when I finally found time to write them out! Thanks for putting up with my silliness :o)
It is so great that you have documented all of this. Some day Livie will so much love all of it. You have a beautiful family and I love seeing all of the obvious love there.
Hi Amanda
What a beautiful record for Livia and all of your family. She will get a real thrill out of looking at this over the coming years, pointing out all of her relatives and friends, saying their names and giving them kisses!!
It doesn't sound like your second day into motherhood started off all that well. The last thing you would have needed was a bout of nausea - yuk! Thankfully the injection seemed to do the trick.
Love to you and yours
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