Friday, September 18, 2009

Flashback Friday ~ Halloween 2008 (A 'Magical' Day!)

Last year for Halloween, Livia was a Purple Unicorn - she was so incredibly cute, and luckily I have some great pictures to remember it by. Our life was insanely busy back about a year ago... There were days where I had trouble remembering my name! Luckily, I did remember to take photos!

Is this outfit not the cutest?!
Here she was at her Grandma Triby & Papa Bill's

And she even crawled around like a 'real' unicorn!
This pic just cracks me up every time I see it!

Over the course of a couple of days, we were able to show off her get-up to those who love her the most... The Thursday before Halloween, CMOE (Childrens Museum of Evansville) had a wonderful party, which my Mom's work helped to put on. It would have been crazy for me not to take Liv there for the fun... and to see her Papaw & Nana!

She loves them both SO much!

We also made a trip out to her Papa Bill & Grandma Trilby's...
Somehow, the best picture of all was without Sugar the white German Shepherd... Sugar just could not stay away from Liv this evening! I think it was the outfit - who knows what that poor puppy thought about it!

Livia and I also made a trip out to her Aunt Kendra & Uncle Matt's... And what did we meet, but a real-life Princess!
Maggie's Princess Costume
She totally fits the part!

So would could be more magical than a Princess and a Unicorn? But wait - shouldn't the Princess be on the Unicorn instead of the other way around...? HA!

And speaking of laughing, this gives a whole new perspective to ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing - yep, that was just for you Mom. Love ya!)
Other than the whole purple being my favorite color, the best part of her outfit was her little black shoes. I thought they looked like little horse hooves.

This is definitely one of my favorite memories, and I hope to never forget how cute she was!!

Now it makes me want to go ahead & get her Halloween outfit ready - no, I still haven't done so. For one, I've been thinking, and since Halloween is on a Sunday this year, I may need 3 outfits for her. 1 for Friday (for daycare), 1 for Saturday (for going out to see family), and 1 for Sunday - a very pretty, dressy church-appropriate one of course.

Any ideas? :o)

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